
Version control

We use Git for version control. The code is hosted on GitHub.

How to fork pyDOMCFG, create a branch, and commit your code:

  1. Go to pyDOMCFG and click the Fork button.

  2. Clone your fork and connect the repository to the upstream repository:

git clone
git remote add upstream
  1. Create a branch:

git checkout -b name-of-the-branch


Members of @pyNEMO/pydomcfg can create a branch directly from main:

git clone
git checkout -b name-of-the-branch

This is particularly useful for long-running branches (e.g., develop, stable, …).

  1. To update this branch retrieving changes from the main branch:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
  1. Once you have made changes, commit your code:

# To check changes:
git status

# If you have created new files:
git add path/to/file-to-be-added

# Commit changes:
git commit -m "short message describing changes"
  1. Push your commits:

git push origin name-of-the-branch
  1. Navigate to your repository on GitHub (, click on the Pull Request button, edit title and description, and click Send Pull Request.


  • The documentation consists of two parts: the docstrings in the code itself and the docs in this folder pyDOMCFG/docs/.

  • The documentation is written in reStructuredText and built using Sphinx.

  • The docstrings follow the Numpy Docstring Standard.

How to build the documentation:

# Create and activate the docs environment
conda env create -f pyDOMCFG/ci/docs.yml
conda activate pydomcfg_docs

# Navigate to the docs directory
cd pyDOMCFG/docs/

# If you want to do a full clean build
make clean

# Build the documentation
make html


  • All tests go into this folder pyDOMCFG/pydomcfg/tests.

  • We are using pytest for testing.

Test functions should look like this:

def add_one(x):
    return x + 1

def test_add_one():
    expected = 2
    actual = add_one(1)
    assert expected == actual

How to run the tests:

# Create and activate the test environment
conda env create -f pyDOMCFG/ci/environment.yml
conda activate pydomcfg_test

# Navigate to the root directory, install, and run pytest
pip install -e .

Pre-commit formatting

We are using several tools to ensure that code and docs are well formatted:

  • isort for standardized order in imports.

  • Black for standardized code formatting.

  • blackdoc for standardized code formatting in documentation.

  • Flake8 for general code quality.

  • Darglint for docstring quality.

  • mypy for static type checking on type hints.

  • doc8 for reStructuredText documentation quality.

Setup pre-commit hooks to automatically run all the above tools every time you make a git commit:

# Install the pre-commit package manager.
conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit

# Set up the git hook scripts.
pre-commit install

# Now pre-commit will run automatically on the changed files on ``git commit``
# Alternatively, you can manually run all the hooks with:
pre-commit run --all

# You can skip the pre-commit checks with:
git commit --no-verify